We put together a sample blog post framework. We’ve tested this framework many times and it seems to be how users want to read blog posts as well as how Google likes to index content.

You can alter, change, move things around in this template. Think of this as a guide.

Pre Blog
What do you want user to do? What’s the call to action?

Main user of this will be military families who are new to PCS. PCS stands for permanent change of station. This article will talk about what a PCS is and how to prepare for one.

What are the three keywords that your article will revolve around?
Pcs military, pcs move, dod pcs move, military move

Images – Do you have images, or have images in mind, that tie to your blog posts.
Image of military family moving or packing up


<h1>Title</h1>: Catchy but also tie in the keywords from the blog post here.

Intro (~50-75 words): Tell a story that ties to the main point. A personal story or a story you found in the news would be great.

Main Text (~150-200 words): Tie in your story to the main point of the article.

The Points (~150-200 words): 3-7 points that tie into your main point.

  • <h2>Point 1</h2>. Why/How does this point tie into the main topic.
  • <h2>Point 2</h2>. Why/How does this point tie into the main topic.
  • <h2>Point 3</h2>. Why/How does this point tie into the main topic.
  • <h2>Point 4</h2>. Why/How does this point tie into the main topic.
  • <h2>Point 5</h2>. Why/How does this point tie into the main topic.

Closing: Life Application (~50-75 words): Tell or teach how the point of the article can be used in their lives. This is where you make the article all about them.

Final Question: Close with a final question that encourages users to comment.

  • “Do you agree with _________? Why or why not?”
  • “Has _______ worked for you? How so?”
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