Google Ad Grants Strategy

Impact More People
With The Google Ad Grant

Funnels + Google Ad Grant = Massive Reach and Impact

What Is the Google Ad grant?

The Google Ad Grant is a program for 501c3 nonprofits to help them grow.

The Google Ad Grant allows nonprofits up to $10,000/month of free traffic from the Google Ad Grant.

There are specific limitations on how you can use the grant, and that’s where we come and help.

We’ll help you with the following:

  1. Acquire the Google Ad Grant
  2. Create a custom strategy to grow your nonprofit
  3. Manage all the parts and pieces of your Google Ad Grant

How to Use tHe GooGle Ad Grant

The best way to use the Google Ad Grant is to answer the questions that your target avatar is searching for on Google.

What problems are they going to Google to find solutions for?

Example: If you are a rescue mission, your target avatar may be going to Google to see how they can help with the homeless population in their city. Let them know how they can do that.

You could create an article ’10 Ways To Help The Homeless in Your City’. That article would answer the user’s question.

We recommend a few tools to help you find the questions your avatars are searching for.


Local Growth Impact

Here is an example of how we use the Google Ad Grant to help nonprofits grow.

1. Begin with the end in mind. What action do you want your avatar to take?

2. Create your avatar. What do they care about? What problem do they have that you can solve?

3. Answer the questions. What questions are your avatar searching for on Google? Answer those.


Local Growth Roadmap

Local Growth Impact is a 6-month program to help your nonprofit grow.

You can see our exact program here.

Below are the results from the first month of a new nonprofit we worked with.
